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welcome for newcomers

Invite everyone who is interested in studying the Dharma from the Tripitaka and developing wisdom.

In the path of pariyat, practice pativeth by starting to accumulate Sutamaya Wisdom for the training of the Tri-sikkha (morality, concentration, and wisdom) by

1. Start listening to the Dhamma talks from the Tripitaka. by Phra Ajarn Sombat Nantiko from 3 very complete audio archives

1.3 Listen through a 32 GB flash drivefree giveaway

To play audio files through the radio MP3 player if it is not convenient to listen to audio clips from the Internet.

Click on the flash drive image. To request a flash drive  (Flash Drive), audio files of Phra Ajarn Sombat Nanthiko recorded by Uncle Commander Thongchai Sangrat, as well as 5 books written by uncle for free! !!

1.2 Listen through Google Drive
can be downloaded to your device

Click on this logo  Google Drive logo .

1.1 Listen throughSoundCloud

At Trisikkha Station
listen through this web page directly on the tab"Listen to Dharma"  orClick on this logo now.

คลิกเพื่อดูการติดตั้งและใช้งาน SoundCloud 260x37 2.png

Click to download the app

LINE Logo 50x50.png

2. Attend daily Dhamma talks

in Line room TRISIKHAAvailable every Monday - Friday from 20:30-21:30
Click Add Friend. and request to join the group

Temporarily turn off adding friends Because 500 members

Please read the rules, regulations, etiquette and follow them. to create a creative atmosphere to enhance the wisdom of the community

click to download
All 91 books

4. Start reading the Tripitaka. 

Mahamakut Wittayalai

Red Book (91 books)

Click to read online

Click to download the app

3.Track Trisikkha (trisikkha) page 

to read dharma discussion posts Listen to a clip of the daily dharma discussion in the past. or listen to a short clip of Dharma Lectures at Por Sombat
Click and press Follow  (Follow)

Abhidhamma, who said it was difficult?

5. Start studying Abhidhamma

by various channels
that you believe or are interested in

click to read

recommendSoundCloud An easy and convenient option to listen on your mobile phone.

Trisikkha Stationwas built onSound Cloud Platform To be used as an area for distributing hundreds of Dharma audio clips of both Por J. Sombat and Por J. Santi, including the length of the Dharma lectures according to the Tripitaka of the two monks. More than 3,000 hours of pictures have been uploaded by faith, persistence and generosity ofMr. Werayut SantayanonTo provide opportunities for interested and believers to be able to listen to dharma talks from the 2 POWs around the world onSound Cloud Platformselected, which has many advantages. since 2016

Mr. Weerayuth has passed away from this world at the age of 68 years on September 21, 2018 with two daughters as the main administrators of the website and the station is still open for service. including paying membership feesSound Cloud PlatformPro Unlimited (144 US Dollar/Year) Consistently

So invite everyone to use it. Listen to the collection of Suttayamaya Panya very much in accordance with the intention of Khun Wirayut Santayanon and his heirs, as well as all working groups.

คลิป SoundClound

Advantages of Listening sound clip fromSoundCloud
different from listening with Video clip of Youtubeis

1. No annoying ads throughout the continuous playing track (Track) per track, even if you sign up with a free account.


2. The app can play audio files in the background. Therefore, while listening to the sound We can search Google information. Can use other apps The tracks we're listening to don't stop. including allowing us to turn off the listening screen or when the mobile phone turns off the screen automatically The app still plays audio files for us.

3. Don't waste internet slow internet can play Save a lot of battery because it is playing an audio file without a picture It's a much smaller file than a video file. Including not having to turn on the screen while playing, so it does not waste battery.

4. See if our friends listen to the same Dhamma talks as us or not. When agreeing to listen to the same track They will help each other to listen and talk about each other because they have the same set of information. can give homework

5. There is an interesting playlist of both Phra Ajarn Sombat and Phra Achan Santi. already uploaded And there are more files than can be sent on a 32 GB flash drive. listen to a track And playlists of interest are easier than using a radio/MP3 player.

But when we think too long
The body was tired. when the body is tired mind is distracted when the mind is distracted Mind away from concentration 


look at the monks We maintain the mind inwardly, calming and meditating. support it well

For what reason? ?    because it wishes that
Let our minds not be distracted again:

Regarding the precepts, about the sikkha, the law here
If the verbal body is not complete
cannot survive because It's a crossroads.

Some people say that you don't have to do it.
Skip to Vipassana
It is easy for people to say that.

They say that the precepts don't have to do with anything.

Well, keeping this precept is difficult, not a game.
If you just skip it, it's fine.
Anything that is difficult and then skips, everyone wants to skip.

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